Branch Activities
Bristol and West of England Branch
The St Beghian Society Bristol and West of England Branch held its
61st annual dinner on May 14th 2010 at the Ship Inn, Alverston, outside
Bristol. We weren’t as well supported as last year with several
regulars the victims of illness or injury. Once again we were delighted
to welcome the Head and Helen Capes, Don Williams, the Society President,
had braved volcanic dust to be with us and give his admirable response
to the toast “The Society”. Almost all the ‘first
timers’, including people who had left school in the 80s and
90s, who had been with us last year, seem to have fallen by the wayside;
perhaps next year? Amongst the 13 who sat down to dinner we had Bill
Frankland - who has become a ‘regular’. He left school
in 1930 and at 98 is still active in his chosen scientific field;
and Emma Pyle, who left school in 1992. Everyone seemed to have a
good time and the restaurant did us proud.
Those present were:- Dr. W.S. (Bill) Affleck (SH 45-51) and Joyce
Affleck, Mr G.M. (Gerry) Beighton (FS 48-52) and Maggie Beighton,
Mr P.J. (Philip) Capes (Head) and Helen Capes, Dr. A.W. Frankland
(F 26-30), Mr D.R.W. (David) Hartley (FS 44-48), Miss E.V.K. (Emma)
Pyle (L 89-92), Mr G. (George) Robson (FN 57-63), Mr M.T.R. (Michael)
Wiggins FN 48-52), Mr D.H. (Don) Williams (F 61-64) (President) and
Mr S.G. (Stuart) Withnal (G 58-63).
Yes, we’ll do it again next year and hopefully at least some
of those who declared an interest but couldn’t manage the date
this year will be able to join us then. We have enjoyed some excellent
evenings at the Ship Inn in the first half of May, but neither location
nor date is sacrosanct and we know that for some both time and place
regularly present problems. If you have ideas for a locale and time
which you think would better suit please let me know.
Contact: Bill Affleck at william.affleck@btinternet or 01453
Cumbria Branch
The combined forces of West Cumbria, South Cumbria and Preston met
for dinner at the Stonecross Manor Hotel, Kendal on Friday 7th May
2010. There were twenty people in attendance, who enjoyed an excellent
meal, fine wine and convivial company.
The loyal toast was proposed by David ‘Fred’ Lord (SH
60–65). The secretary of the West Cumbria Branch, Darryl Davies
(FS 62-68) welcomed everyone and introduced the Headmaster, Philip
Capes, who gave a report on the school and proposed a toast to the
St. Beghian Society. The response was made by our President, Don Williams
(FN 61-64), who also proposed a toast to the school. I must say that
some of Don’s stories were excellent; he is a very entertaining
Those present were:- The President, The Headmaster and Mrs. Capes,
Brian Vosper (G 45-48), Stan Holmes (SH 45-50), James Brindle (G 49-53),
Bill Greetham (G53-58), Tim Brown (G 53-59), Nigel Davies (G 57-62),
John Train (SH 59-64), David Lord (SH 60-65) and Mrs. Lord, Nick Curry
(SH 60-66), Mike Brandwood (FS 61-66) and Mrs. Brandwood, Stephen
Downham (G 61-65) and Mrs. Downham, Darryl Davies (FS 62-68) and Mrs.
Davies, and Patricia Renahan (L 82-87).
It is hoped that a reunion buffet will take place in St. Bees in December
costing £10.00. Full details will be released on ‘Facebook’
and the Society website in the near future when dates and a venue
have been confirmed.
Contact: Darryl W. Davies at
or 01946 67984
Please click
here to see photographs of the Cumbria Branch Dinner.
London Dinner
A second dinner was held in China Town on Saturday 30th January 2010
and it was pleasing to see approximately 30 Old St. Beghians in attendance.
The age range was enormous, from 19 years of age to 97!
Yes, we were delighted to see Bill Frankland, whilst welcoming so
many university students, mainly based in London. Tony Winzor, the
Head and David Lord travelled down from Cumbria for what turned out
to be a most enjoyable evening with food of the highest quality. Our
thanks to Patty Li, Amy Shang and Mark Liao for again taking the trouble
to organise everything.
Those present were: Xiao (Tina) Ding (L 03-08), Bill Frankland (F
26-30), Sum Yi (Natalie) Fu (L 05-08), Xuan (Jerry) Hou (SH 04-07),
Yi (Crystal) Hu (L-05-08), Zhe (Patty) Li (L 03-06), Sheng (Max) Li
(G05-07), Jin Lin (Mark) Liao (SH 04-06), Jin Ping (Xavier) Liao (SH
04-07), Huiri (Vicky) Lin (L 06-09), Huanyi (Yuki) Liu (L 06-09),
Tianci (Cheryl) Liu (L07-09), Wenqian (Jessie) Liu (L07-09), David
Lord (SH 60-65), Ding Ding Ma (L02-07), Zhu (May) Mei (L03-06), Ting
Ting Ng (L02-06), Junyan (Ar-yan) Pan (L 07-09), Richard Qian (SH
06-09), Zirong (Jennifer) Qiao (L 05-07), Zhen (Alex) Rong (G 06-08),
Tian Jiao (Amy) Shang (L99-06), Ken Song (G 06-08), Hong Liang (Brian)
Sun (G 07-09), Feng (Fendy) Wang (L04-07), Tony Winzor (M 84-09),
Ye (Ewan) Yuan (SH 01-04), Cheng Hua (Allen) Zhang (SH 04-07), Vicky
Zhang (L 05-09) and Zheng (Jordan) Zhao (G 04-07).
We do hope to be able to hold a similar event next year in January
2011. If you are interested, please contact: Mark Liao on (0791 740
8623) or, Amy Shang on (07809 483160)
or or Patty Li on (07871 877455) or
or alternatively contact the OSB office.
Please click
here to see photographs of the London Dinner.
Manchester Balti Night
Mark Roberts (SH 93-95) had very kindly organised a Balti night in
Manchester on February 26th. While the evening was designedly informal,
the food was of excellent quality and those present enjoyed themselves
Those attending were:- Sara Calvin (G 77-74), Richard de la Riviere
(Coon) (SH 88-95), Alastair Lord (SH 90-95), David Lord (SH 60-65)
and Fiona Lord (Staff 93-07), Tina Lord (G 92-97) and Neil Hodgson,
Philip Milburn (SH 88-95), Matthew Rigby (FS 73-78), Mark Roberts
(SH 93-95), John Swift (SH 88-95), Chris Taylor (FS 57-62) and James
Upton (SH 88-95).
Please click
here to see photographs of the Manchester Balti Night.