No. 197

OSB Logo The Old St Beghian
  July 2020
Editor: Dr A. J. H. Reeve, 6 Abbey Farm, St Bees, Cumbria, CA27 0DY.
Tel: (01946) 822472    Email:

  From Our President

 2020/21 Events Calendar

  St Beghians' Day 2020 

  OSB Notes:
     Thank you
     Tim Costeloe (G 67-72)
     Emma George (L 2010-15)
     Charles Hedley (FN 58-64)
     Ivan Jones (FN 60-64)
     Charlie Lambert (G 64-68)
     John Lever (G 63-67)
     Chris Lord (G 53-57)
     Peter Lord (G 58-62)
     Eric Middleton (M 58-69)
     Ivor Nicholas (SH 44-48)
     Anthony Payne (M 67-01)
     Robert Rew (FS 50-55)
     Robin Rigby (FS 72-79)
     Alex Riley (G 61-65)
     Bill Roberts (M 58-62)
     Thomas Tuohy (SH 64-67)
     John West (SH 61-64)
     John Wilkin (SH 55-60)
     Don Williams (FN 61-64)
     Michael Mahoney (SH 93-96)
     Thomas Thompson (FN 44-48)


Robert Affleck (SH 53-59)
Richard Atkinson (FS 76-80)
John Ellis (FS 45-50)    
Bill Frankland (FN 26-30)
     Robert George ( FS 71-78)
     Lois Howard (1930-2020)
     John Pearson (SH 50-55)
     Michael Wiggans (SH 45-51)

  School News:
From the Headmaster
     Marketing - Behind the Scenes
     From the Board Chairman

  Events & Branch Notes:
 Branch Dinners/Other Dates
       Asia HK & Shenzhen
       Cumbria Dinner
       London Dinner
       London Informal Gathering
       North East Dinner
 Scotland Gathering
       Singapore Lunch

Thomas Froggatt Rugby

     Branch Secretaries

200 Club 

    OSB Golfing Society (OSBGS)
    St Bees Golf Club

  OSB Shop   

  OSB Society Info:
    Change of Personal Details?
    Copy Deadline
for Next Bulletin
Meetings (AGM & Committee)
Society Contact Details
Society Officers
Website & Facebook

  Printable Version


Bill Frankland
Bill Frankland

Anglers Hotel, Ennerdale

Tim Costeloe - Art
Speech Day - June 1955
Swim Team
John Ellis
Charlie Lambert

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The St Beghian Society    
St Bees School,    St Bees,    Cumbria,    CA27 0DS

Tel: (01946) 828093     
Email:      Web:

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