Editor: Dr. A. J. H. Reeve, 6 Abbey Farm, St. Bees, Cumbria, CA27 0DY.
Tel: (01946) 822472    Email: tony@ajhreeve.plus.com

OSB Day 2010

From the President:
President's Event      

OSB Notes: 
       Simon Barker (FN 78-83)
Gervase Dodd (FS 56-61)
Hilary Gunning (G 79-86)
Donald Heaton (F 42-47)
Alfred Hoyle (SH 42-47)
Robert Makins (FS 56-61)
Donald Smart (FN 42-47)
Chris Ward (G 55-60)
From the editor
Morocco Trip - Alison Strafford           (nee Lamping) (L/G 77-84)


       David Hodgson (F/G 42-46)
David A.G. Hopley (SH 51-57)
Howard Limon (FS 42-46)

School News:
From the Head's Desk
From Marketing

Autumn Ball 2010

Branch Notes:
       Branch Activities
Dinner/Other Dates
Branch Secretaries

200 Club

       Golfing Society General
       Future Fixtures
       Competition Results

OSB/School Shop

Society Information:
       Addresses Required
       Bursary Fund
Change of Details?
       Contact Details
       Copy Deadlines
       Information Forms
Society Officers

   Supplement List

The School Magazine -
        100 Years ago

    Printable Version

For further information about the picture above please see the Morocco Trip under OSB Notes.


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The St. Beghian Society,    St. Bees School,    St. Bees,    Cumbria,    CA27 0DS.
Tel: 01946 828093     Email: